Center for Effective Lawmaking

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Ju Yeon (Julia) Park 

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Ju Yeon (Julia) Park  The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) is excited to introduce Ju Yeon (Julia) Park as one of our newest Faculty Affiliates. Professor Park is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at Ohio State University. Previously, she has served as an Assistant Professor of Government at the University of Essex in Colchester, UK, and received her doctoral degree in Politics from New York University in New York, NY. Professor Park has also completed postdoctoral research at both the University…

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Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Christian Fong

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Christian Fong The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) is happy to announce one of our newest Faculty Affiliates, Christian Fong. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, teaching classes at both the undergraduate and PhD level. Previously, as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow, Professor Fong served as an economic policy advisor to Senator Mike Lee. In addition, he spent three years as a Graduate Research Fellow for the National Science Foundation and completed a PhD in Political Economics at the…

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Inside the 5th Annual Research Conference at the Center for Effective Lawmaking

Inside the 5th Annual Research Conference at the Center for Effective Lawmaking The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) hosted its Fifth Annual Research Conference on June 5, 2023 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Over 40 attendees from a wide range of research institutions and organizations come from across the country to discuss and evaluate the ideas connected with effective lawmaking, specifically the three main research areas of the CEL: identification of the characteristics of those who would likely become effective lawmakers once elected; cultivation of effective lawmakers and institutional…

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Meet our Graduate Affiliates: Patrick Buhr and Emily Cottle Ommundsen

Meet our Graduate Affiliates: Patrick Buhr and Emily Cottle Ommundsen The Center For Effective Lawmaking is excited to introduce Patrick Buhr and Emily Cottle Ommundsen as two of our newest Graduate Affiliates.   Buhr is a doctoral student at Vanderbilt University studying the U.S. Congress and federal bureaucracy. He is also a teaching assistant for classes that discuss the legislative process and public administration, and seek to educate young Americans on the inner workings of the government and to engage them with current political processes. Buhr earned his undergraduate degree from the University of…

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Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Leah Rosenstiel

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Leah Rosenstiel Members of the Center for Effective Lawmaking are excited to introduce one of our newest Faculty Affiliates,  Leah Rosenstiel. She is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University. Previously,  she worked as a research assistant on K-12 education policy at the Congressional Research Service.Professor Rosenstiel's teaching and research are primarily centered around American political institutions, seeking to understand how the structures of political institutions shape outcomes. Specifically, she concentrates on the disconnect between public policy goals and their effective implementation. Through her courses, she…

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Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Erinn Lauterbach

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Erinn Lauterbach The Center for Effective Lawmaking is excited to introduce one of our newest Faculty Affiliates, Erinn Lauterbach. A self-described "political junkie," she is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Villanova University. Previously, she worked as both a scheduler and legislative aide for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She also served as an intern for a member of the British Parliament while studying abroad. Professor Lauterbach specializes in American political institutions, especially the U.S. Congress and the separation of powers, lawmaking…

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Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Jesse Crosson

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Jesse Crosson Members of the Center for Effective Lawmaking are excited to introduce one of our newest Faculty Affiliates, Jesse Crosson. He is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Purdue University, where he has "a strong passion for teaching" and is a proud member of the Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts faculty. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX and a Fellow and Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University’s Center for the Study of Democratic Politics.  Professor Crosson's…

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Meet our Faculty Affiliate: David Barker
D18_243_David_Barker nfs David_Barker, SPA, CCPS, faculty

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: David Barker

Meet Our Faculty Affiliate: David Barker The Center for Effective Lawmaking is excited to introduce one of our newest Faculty Affiliates, David Barker. He is a Professor of Government, Director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, and Co-Founder of the Program on Legislative Negotiation at American University. Formerly, he was Professor and Director of the Institute for Social Research at California State University-Sacramento, where he founded CALSPEAKS Opinion Research and co-founded the Public Health Survey Research Program. Before then, he was a professor of Political Science and Religious…

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Congressional Town Halls and Legislative Effectiveness

Town hall meetings have long been a way for constituents to hear from their Representatives and Senators face-to-face, and to likewise raise their most pressing policy concerns.  Is there a tradeoff between legislators spending their time and effort on town halls instead of focusing their energies on other important policymaking activities? New analysis from the Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) Faculty Affiliate Andrew J. Clarke and his co-author Daniel Markovits addresses this question by drawing on more than 23,000 town hall meetings over the past eight years.The authors find that the…

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Public Leaders

How do we know if public leaders are effective in their jobs? CEL Co-Director Craig Volden, Faculty Affiliate Laurel Harbridge-Yong, and Grant Recipient Beatriz Rey all contributed their insights as part of a panel discussion and Q&A hosted by the Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Friday, July 22. They discussed the measurement of effectiveness of lawmakers, as well as how voters and others use effectiveness information to hold elected officials accountable.Watch the panel in its entirety below:

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