Center for Effective Lawmaking

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Legislative Effectiveness Data from 93rd-110th Congress (1973-2008).

These are the data that served as the foundation for the analysis in
Legislative Effectiveness in the United States Congress: The Lawmakers.

Download all House data from 1973-2022 (including Classic Legislative Effectiveness Scores).

Download all Senate data from 1973-2022 (including Classic Legislative Effectiveness Scores).

Download House data for 117th Congress (using LES 2.0, including bills incorporated in other laws).

Download Senate data for 117th Congress (using LES 2.0, including bills incorporated in other laws).

Download Issue Area Data from 1973-2022 (Classic methodology)

Download State Legislative Effectiveness Scores (through 2018)

These are the data that served as the foundation for the analysis in
Legislative Effectiveness in the American States.

How to cite these data:

For House data: Volden, Craig, and Alan E. Wiseman. 2014. Legislative Effectiveness in the United States Congress: The Lawmakers. New York: Cambridge University Press; updated at

For Senate data: Volden, Craig, and Alan E. Wiseman. 2018. “Legislative Effectiveness in the United States Senate,” Journal of Politics 80(2): 731-735; updated at

For States data: Bucchianeri, Peter, Craig Volden, and Alan E. Wiseman. Forthcoming. “Legislative Effectiveness in the American States,” American Political Science Review; updated at

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