Center for Effective Lawmaking

University of Virginia
Vanderbilt University

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Michael Kistner

Riley Munson

Riley Munson is an undergraduate student majoring in public policy and leadership and is serving as an intern with the Center for Effective Lawmaking.
Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Michael Kistner

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Michael Kistner

The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) is pleased to announce Michael Kistner as one of our newest faculty affiliates. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston. He studies representation, policymaking, and the influence of money in American legislatures (both in Congress and the states). 

In Professor Kistner’s award-winning book manuscript Paying for the Party: How Fundraising Demands Lead to Less Productive and Representative Legislatures, Kistner explores the causes and consequences of party-driven fundraising demands. His research has been published in the Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, and elsewhere. Before joining the University of Houston, Kistner received his joint Ph.D. in Politics and Social Policy from Princeton University.

The CEL is excited to have Professor Kistner on our team, and we look forward to supporting his research related to effective lawmaking.

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