Center for Effective Lawmaking

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Andrew Ballard

Meet our Faculty Affiliate: Andrew Ballard

The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) is excited to announce one of our newest faculty affiliates, Andrew Ballard. Professor Ballard serves as an assistant professor of Political Science at Florida State University. He studies American politics with a particular interest in legislative institutions, political parties, and the interplay between legislators and the public. Some of the overarching topics he investigates are the influence of minority parties over legislation, how party goals drive legislative behavior, why some legislators and citizens are more willing to compromise politically, and the causes and consequences of polarizing and uncivil rhetoric from legislators. His published work appears in the American Political Science Review, The Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Party Politics, and elsewhere. He has a book under contract with Oxford University Press and another book manuscript in preparation. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Duke University.

The CEL is excited to welcome the academic excellence and intellectual curiosity of Professor Ballard in advancing the understanding of legislative effectiveness and productivity.

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