Center for Effective Lawmaking

Effectiveness of Party Factions in Congress

Credit Claiming and Accountability for Legislative Effectiveness

Credit Claiming and Accountability for Legislative Effectiveness

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

In this Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) working paper, Associate Professor Elizabeth Simas of Texas A&M University, Assistant Professor Michael Kistner of the University of Houston (and CEL Faculty Affiliate), Instructor of International Affairs David Hilden of West Point Military Academy, and Jamie Wright, Senior Survey ScientistMorning Consult, examine why effective legislators struggle to convey their legislative accomplishments through credit claiming. Despite survey research showing that voters value legislative effectiveness, constituents often lack awareness of their legislator’s effectiveness, and effective lawmakers do not tend to perform better in general elections. Using new data on credit claims in social media posts and email newsletters, as well as original survey experiments, the authors identify three important findings. First, there is a weak relationship between credit claiming and legislative effectiveness, as even ineffective legislators frequently engage in credit claiming. Second, survey respondents do not differentiate between messages that merely stake out a position on an issue and those that highlight legislative achievements. Third, there is almost no relationship between the volume of credit claiming and constituent approval. These findings suggest that while voters appreciate effective lawmakers, credit claiming is not perceived as a credible signal of effectiveness.

To learn more, read the full report here.

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