Center for Effective Lawmaking

CEL presentation to the Regional Reporters Association

CEL presentation to the Regional Reporters Association

On May 13, 2024, the Regional Reporters Association hosted a webinar featuring Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) co-directors Craig Volden and Alan Wiseman. The Association represents local news outlets covering Washington, D.C. from their hometown perspectives, bringing insights from inside the Beltway to their local constituents and communities. Professors Volden and Wiseman offered an overview of the CEL, highlighting the Legislative Effectiveness Scores of members of Congress, how these scores undergird CEL’s larger research agenda, as well as how this research can be used for media stories (see here for recent CEL media citations). The discussion then moved to a Q+A session where the co-directors fielded questions from the reporters. It provided a variety of possible story ideas, such as:

  • Which individual lawmakers rank highly in lawmaking effectiveness and why;
  • How different lawmakers approach the legislative process;
  • What professions are common among effective lawmakers;
  • How bipartisanship connects with effective lawmaking;
  • Why issue specialization matters for effective lawmaking but remains rare in Congress;
  • Comparing the current Congress to past congresses;
  • How lawmaking often takes place behind the scenes, such as through omnibus legislation.

The CEL is thankful for the opportunity to present to the Association. We look forward to working with reporters to translate our work into impactful stories.

For more details about this session or other media-related work, contact Colin Achilles at or call (434) 243-7180.

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