Center for Effective Lawmaking

Meet our Program Director for State Legislatures: Paige Higginson-Rollins

Meet our Program Director for State Legislatures: Paige Higginson-Rollins

The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) is pleased to officially introduce Paige Higginson-Rollins as our new Program Director for State Legislatures. In this role, she is dedicated to empowering state legislatures, lawmakers, and stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of legislative institutions.

Prior to joining the CEL, Paige worked on public health communications and research initiatives in Michigan and Kentucky. In 2013, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of Kentucky in international relations and economics and earned her master’s degree in public health in 2016. She is passionate about bridging research and practice and hopes to provide data-driven insights and actionable strategies to foster collaboration, innovation, and impactful policymaking at the state level.

The CEL is thrilled to have Paige onboard and look forward to working with her on our current and future initiatives.

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